Was wir aus der Landwirtschaft lernen können

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

Many thanks for your feedback to my last weekly mail. Some of my readers came up with great thoughts and I will most probably use one or the other in future weeklies. I would like to thank especially Madeleine, Thomas, Robert, Scott and Anton for their inspiring reflections. Many thanks!

As some of you know, I live on a small hill in the country side of Zürich and when I look out of the window, I see cows and horses and only a few houses. Seeing farmers at work is part of every day life up here and talking to them from time to time made me think about investment processes.

Nowadays, most of us living in developed countries are used to instant gratification. People are posting pictures of their food and hope to receive likes, they are posting pictures of their cars and hope to receive likes, they are posting comments on Twitter and hope to receive likes. Instant gratification. You want a coffee, you get it immediately, you want something to eat, you get it right away, a new I-phone you get it, whatever we want we can get most of it at any moment. Instant gratification.

However, when it comes to investing, instant gratification is not all that easy to achieve.

Investing needs a strategy and it needs time, patience.

I think investing is actually a lot like farming. Before investing my clients’ money, I have to prepare the grounds. Ground preparing in my business is for example research and research is very time consuming and at times even boring and it is ongoing, it never stops but it needs to be done.

After preparing the grounds I sow the seeds, which means I make some first investments.  Afterwards I nourish and cater for the investments, I add positions or let go of some. When I think the time is right, I harvest, I take profits, rake in dividends or write calls (covered only) on long positions to increase to cashflow on the portfolio.

I am fully aware that a storm can take away a part of my clients‘ harvest, this is why I am only on very, very rare occasions fully invested. Like this I always have some cash at hand to increase positions when markets are down.

That is what I am doing, not more and not less, and I keep on doing this over and over and over and over again.

And you know, Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t think much of preparing and building up protection for this one and only very bad mega storm, almost hoping for it to arrive so that my protection works and (not to forget) my ego gets pampered. I think the opportunity cost of such a (rather risky) strategy is very high. Partial protection on the other side makes a lot of sense to me and I would highly recommend that in any sort of balanced portfolio.

Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me on whatever seems interesting  to you or on whatever is bothering you. Please feel encouraged to do so but please don’t forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:


Many thanks, indeed!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a great day and weekend.
Kind regards.

Yours truly,


Stefan M. Kremeth
Wealth Management
Incrementum AG