Face Saving and a quick Competition

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

«Human beings are only there to live the short period between birth and death with as much egoism as possible.»  Do you know the author of this sentence and the respective book, and the book’s name?

Intriguing thoughts

In order to prevent more significant harm to the people of Ukraine, the neighbouring countries and even the rest of the world’s population, I think it is worthwhile for global leaders to put their egos aside. I do not think many people want this war; let us end it.

Limited Benefits of Sanctions

Multiple studies show that the benefits of economic sanctions are elusive; the costs mostly are not. Furthermore, I believe that sanctions levied against a state with limited democratic processes usually affect less the ruling upper class than large parts of the population already suffering from repression, which in addition has to bear the economic consequences of the sanctions.

Lose-Lose Situation

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in a lose-lose situation. Further escalation of the situation can not be in the interest of the world population.

Saving Face

If the political nomenklatura in Russia is not offered the possibility of saving face in the event of an exit from belligerent actions, then at present, I cannot imagine why they would be inclined to end the war. I hope the political elite of the West will consider this.

Next week

Next week I would like to look at the meaning of «this time is different» in the context of financial markets.


To end today’s Stefans’s weekly on a slightly positive note, I am happy to offer a one-ounce silver coin to the first reader writing back to me the correct answer to the question mentioned at the beginning of today’s Stefan’s weekly.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As always, please share your opinion with me, but please do not forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to: smk@incrementum.li.

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day, a wonderful weekend, and above all, peace!

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth

Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

Tel.: +423 237 26 60
Cell: +41 79 303 48 39
Im alten Riet 102
9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein
Mail: smk@incrementum.li