Advisory Board Call – Q4 2022

The leaves are wilting and are displaying a plethora of colours, from vibrant yellows to deep purple. The last quarter of this year has dawned upon us, which means that it is time for another edition of the Advisory Board. This time we focus on the European energy crisis.

Dear investors, friends and clients,


This quarter’s advisory board we want to welcome our special guest, Alexander Stahel, well known for his knowledge of European energy markets. He is the founder of Burggraben Holding AG, a long/short equity value investment firm, specializing in natural resources, where they focus primarily on raw materials such as oil, natural gas and metals, and also the related industries such as transport, utilities and service providers.


During the call, we talked about:

  • Alexander Stahel’s investment style
  • The status quo of the European electricity market
  • Why the German style “Energiewende” is not feasible
  • Current trends in energy commodities
  • The status quo of natural gas and oil
  • Saudi Arabia and BRICS
  • Current inflation dynamics
  • US-Dollar dynamics


Here you find the recorded Audio of the Call:


Q4 2022- Advisory Board Call Transcript - coming soon -


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