Stefan’s weekly: We value Personal Relationship and Personal Contact

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

At Incrementum AG we are meeting with people on a regular basis. Be it because we are speaking in front of an audience, be it because investors, friends and interested people are taking the opportunity to come and see us in our offices in Schaan, be it because we are invited to people’s homes. This is the most enjoyable part of our business – the personal contact with you!

I think it is time to thank you for your trust and confidence in our ability to act as a solution provider for you, as a trusted asset manager and sometimes even as a friend.

At Incrementum we truly value personal relationship and contact. With great interest are we looking at the development of robo-advice and internet banking and there is obviously demand for such services and still algorithms are not able to interpret emotions and emotions is what we are after.

We are always happy of taking the time to broaden our views and knowledge while discussing with you all sorts of topics over a cup of tea or a coffee. If you are close by, give us a shout, don’t hesitate to come and see us

…and please don’t forget, if you want to share your thoughts and ideas with me. Please feel encouraged to do so and please send your messages to:

Many thanks, indeed!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a great day and weekend!


Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth