Passion and Merry Christmas

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

December was for most of us a rather grim month with markets going down significantly. As I wrote in my previous weekly mails, this is all part of investing and we have to be able to bear the pain, else we may rather not invest at all.

Yesterday, the Fed acted according to their mandate and the major message was that the Fed did not seem to be wanting to react whatsoever to the tweets by President Donald Trump. I personally think this is very confidence inspiring as it may be seen as a clear sign of the U.S. central bank’s independence.

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my last weekly for the year and I would like to thank all of you, my readers. Thank you very much for all the interesting comments and questions.

You know, reading, looking at markets, investing, discussing scenarios, speaking and writing about all of this is my passion and I will continue doing it also in 2019 and I hope you will stay tuned and keep sending me your feedback!

I wish you all a relaxed and funky Christmas and a prosperous and inspiring 2019 !!

Many thanks for everything and kind regards.

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth
Wealth Management
Incrementum AG