Environmental, Social and Governance friendly (Part one)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen


Once every few weeks I receive messages by readers that ask me about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) friendly investments. I think it is about time to take up this topic.
This week, in part one, I would like to share some basic information and explain some of the terminology used in connection with ESG friendly investments. Next week I would like to offer my point of view on the difficulties arising when trying to choose ESG friendly investments.
Let’s start with ESG. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and defines certain standards used to screen investments.  You may have read or heard of the following terms, like SRI and/or CSR. SRI (Socially Responsible Investments). SRI basically covers as the name would suggest the field of socially responsible investing and looks for investments that are considered socially conscious because of the nature of the business the company conducts, while CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a business model that may help companies be socially somewhat accountable to it its stakeholders and the general public.
When looking for an investment, one my come across the terms of “Impact Investing” and/or “Green Fund”. Impact investing aims to generate specific beneficial social or environmental effects in addition to financial gains and green funds should invest only in sustainable or socially conscious companies, avoiding the rest of the investment universe.
When looking at ESG investments, statistics on CO2 (carbon dioxide) emission are probably one of the most common denominators used to explain negative environmental effects. However, I prefer statistical data on so called “greenhouse gases” as such statistics offer a wider, more complete picture. The most commonly known greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.
Ladies and Gentlemen the above basics are needed for my next weekly, which I promise will be somewhat more spicy.

As always, I encourage you to send me your feedback and/or questions but please don’t forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:


Many thanks, indeed!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a great day and weekend.

Kind regards,

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth
Wealth Management
Incrementum AG