The Monetary Tipping Point

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

My Partner Ronni Stöferle just held a keynote at Deutsche Goldmesse in Frankfurt. His slides contain some exciting aspects, and this is why I would like to share the presentation with you today. In addition, there will be a video of him holding the presentation, which I intend to share with you as soon as we receive it from the conference’s organiser.


Now, Ronni’s presentation’s topic was «the monetary tipping point», i.e. “the point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.” a definition according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Ronni’s Inflation Picture

As I have pointed out to you in my last edition of Stefan’s weekly, I currently do seem to have a somewhat blurred inflation picture. However, Ronni, on the other side seems to have a pretty clear picture. Moreover, his conclusions are the following.


In Ronni’s view, higher inflation rates are not going to be transitory. Furthermore, he believes that while we are moving from an era of monetary dominance to a new era of fiscal dominance, real interest rates will remain negative for years to come, which in the past was a perfect ground for higher gold prices. Ronni also gives an outlook on mining stocks and the price of gold.


Please feel free to have a look at Ronni’s presentation via the following link:

Ladies and Gentlemen

As always, please share your opinion with me, but please do not forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day, a wonderful weekend, and above all, good health!

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth

Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

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