What’s in store for gold in 2022?

Ronald Stöferle talks to Andrew Thake of Mines and Money about what’s in store for gold in the year 2022. He also explains what happened to it in 2021.


The year 2021 was quite disappointing for many people in the gold camp, when one considers the economic situation, we are currently facing. But the performance was not all that bad when one takes a look at the performance of gold over the last several years. It already anticipated the rise of inflation which we predicted in early winter 2020 and acted accordingly. Now it took a breather. Also, Crypto took the show, with large flows of money leaving the sector and entering the crypto market. When the next halving will be over, Bitcoin will be even harder money, than it is right now.


Silver and mining shares

Silver has shown that it is more volatile than gold. But the two cannot really be separated from each other. We have likely reached the bottom in Silver, so it is definably worth checking out. The Silver market is also very small, and we have seen problems like nationalization of mines and geopolitical risk increase over the last years. Also, commodities broke out last year and many people are still not invested in this new bull market. A weaker Dollar would only be the icing on the cake.

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