Purchasing Power

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Ahead of the presidential election in France, the Corona pandemic has slipped far down voters’ worry barometer.

Presidential Elections in France

While there seems to be less interest in the current presidential election in France than in the presidential decision five years ago, one can still gain knowledge from polls and statistics during this period. According to Ipsos, 75 per cent said they were interested, 18 per cent were moderately interested, and 7 per cent were not interested. Interest is thus apparently four percentage points lower than at the same time before the 2017 election.

Fine, but what can we learn from the French Presidential Elections

In the presidential election in France in a bit more than a week, purchasing power is the overriding issue for most voters. For 58 per cent of them, the issue is one of the three most important, the opinion research institute Ipsos reported in Paris on Monday. In second place comes the health system (27 per cent) and in third place the environment (25 per cent), followed by immigration and pensions (24 per cent each), the Ukraine war (23 per cent) and social inequality (19 per cent). For only eight per cent of respondents, the Corona pandemic still plays a significant role, and unemployment (nine per cent) is of only moderate interest given the recovering economy in France.

Why would I mention this

France is one of Europe’s leading economies, a member of the G7 and currently, I am writing this to my surprise (I feel I may say this as I own French citizenship and passport next o my Swiss one), a political stronghold in Europe. So if voters in France are worried about purchasing power more than anything else, they merit to be taken seriously, and I would not be surprised to see them as an early indicator for other members of the European Community.

Purchasing Power in Private Households

It would not surprise me a bit to see the French population as a proxy for populations across G7 or, even better, G20 member states. People all over the globe seem worried about the purchasing power of their income and wealth.

What Is your opinion, Ladies and Gentlemen?

Do you see the loss of purchasing power becoming a serious problem over the years to come and if, how would you protect yourself against it?

Ladies and Gentlemen

As always, please share your opinion with me, but please do not forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to: smk@incrementum.li

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day, a wonderful weekend, and above all, peace!

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth

Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

Tel.: +423 237 26 60
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9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein
Mail: smk@incrementum.li