Advisory Board Call – Q2 2024

With great pleasure, we inform you of the release of our 2024 Q2 Advisory Board Call: "From Wedlock to Deadlock: The East-West Divorce" - with Brent Johnson and Louis-Vincent Gave.

Dear valued clients, friends, and colleagues,


We hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.


With great pleasure, we inform you of the release of our 2024 Q2 Advisory Board Call: “From Wedlock to Deadlock: The East-West Divorce” – with Brent Johnson and Louis-Vincent Gave.


The lively debate with Brent and Louis revolved around the following topics:

  • The geopolitical shift towards a multipolar world.
  • The question of which currency countries will accept for their goods, especially oil.
  • Political and economic impact of China and the Global East’s de-dollarization efforts.
  • China’s shifting dependencies away from the US and torward emerging markets.
  • Europe’s marginalization in the evolving geopolitical landscape.


Here you find the recorded Video of the Call:

Q2 2024- Advisory Board Call Transcript

