All Seasons

Financial market seasons have been increasingly influenced by the end of the secular debt cycle and are accompanied by financial repression and long-term negative real interest rates. We aim to tackle these changes with a global, benchmark independent, all-seasons investment strategy.

All Weather Approach

One portfolio, adapting to the prevailing market season and utilizing the whole universe of asset classes and currencies


Macro- and micro-economic analysis is married in our trend-, theme- and value-based investment approach

In Pursuit
of Real Returns

Our primary goal is to increase the purchasing power of funds invested over the market cycle

The right investment, no matter the market season

Our Incrementum All Seasons Fund (IASF) pursues a long-term, global investment strategy that encompasses all asset classes permitted within a UCITS umbrella. Based on our macro analysis, we do not invest index- and trend-, but theme- and value-orientated, as well as active and benchmark-independent. Our aim is to achieve real, i.e. inflation-adjusted growth of the funds invested.

Overall, IASF is particularly suitable for long-term, risk-conscious investors, to whom we offer a high degree of transparency about our investment process and positioning through our regular reporting via our Seasonal Reflections .

The investments underlying the fund do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Contact us!

You have questions about our product or want to arrange a personal meeting?

+423 237 26 66