Börse Online “Euro Special” – Asset Management Funds

Our Incrementum All Seasons Fund is ranked highly in the Börse Online special publication “Euro Special”, with the theme “Springboard for your Assets".

An old (albeit valid) truism is: opportunities and risks are the “two sides of the same coin”. It is a truism because it conceals the fact that both sides (unlike a medal or coin) do not necessarily have to be the same size. Asset management funds place this realisation at the forefront and centre of their investment philosophy. A “brake on the downside” in weak market phases not only spares the nerves of investors, but also shortens the time until new highs can be reached in subsequently better times. Or to put it another way: what you lose less beforehand, you also have less to make up later. By Frank Pöpsel.

Background: BÖRSE ONLINE and its sister publications €uro (the largest monthly financial magazine in Germany) and €uro am Sonntag publish a special edition every year, and this year the best offers in asset management funds were filtered out. Like its competition, our Incrementum All Seasons Fund (IASF) was analysed and valued using Jurgen Dumschat’s ‘value-added phase model’, which transparently shows drawdown phases with recovery phases as well as subsequent value-added phases for investors. The related performance overview on the following page shows once again how exceptional IASF’s performance has been in comparison with its competitors over the past few years.

You can read more here (in German): Euro spezial “Vermögensverwaltende Fonds 2024” (1kcloud.com)