Incrementum Inflation Diversifier – Advisory Board Call – April 2020

This quarter’s advisory board call is a return to our old format. Our special guest this time was Rick Rule. Also taking part are Jim Rickards, Heinz Blasnik, Ronald Peter Stöferle as well as Mark Valek. Together they set out to try to unpack the current situation and what it might imply for the future.

Dear investors, friends and clients,

We hope that you are all healthy and doing well in these demanding times. The current situation takes a toll from all of us. We are currently facing a howl bunch of problems at the same time. Only through openly discussing the problems at hand will a satisfactory solution be found. We are trying to be part of this discussion. You can either watch the recording of the call or read the transcript. Both can be found below.


During the call we talked about:

  • Are we having monetary and fiscal stimulus?
  • How can we solve the debt crisis?
  • COVID19, the grey rhino.
  • COVID19 and historical collapses.
  • The gold market and investment.
  • Market developments.

Here you find the recorded Audio of the Call:



Here you can download the transcript

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