Incrementum Inflation Diversifier – Advisory Board Call – Q3 2020

This quarter’s advisory board call is, packed with interesting topics. Our special guest this time was Jesse Felder. Also taking part are Jim Rickards, Ronald Peter Stöferle as well as Mark Valek. Together they set out to try to unpack the current situation and what it might imply for the future.

Dear investors, friends and clients,

On this quarter’s advisory board call we had special guest Jesse Felder, who publishes “The Felder Report”. Given the current circumstances, and the recent action in the gold market, it was the perfect time to have an advisory board call.

During the call we talked about:

  • The collapse of the dollar – is it already here?
  • The few areas that Jesse sees opportunities in this market.
  • That we are already in a bear market, or even a depression.
  • The coming election.
  • The long-term effects of the pandemic.
  • + much more


Here you find the recorded Audio of the Call:





Here you can download the transcript

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