O’zapft is! The Gold/Oktoberfest Beer Ratio 2023

This year, beer was flowing in great quantities at the Oktoberfest. In 2023, the Oktoberfest even got a holiday-related extension. The Day of German Unity on October 3rd, which fell on a Tuesday this year, meant that the Theresienwiese will be besieged by Oktoberfest attendees for two more days. Unfortunately, however, year after year the lamentation is great because the price of beer has again reached new record highs. This year is no different. But for passionate gold investors like us, it's natural to compare this beer price inflation to gold. After all, gold is known as a hedge against inflation. Is gold living up to its reputation? Let's take a closer look at the 2023 Gold/Oktoberfest Beer Ratio.

Wiesnbier proves it: Gold protects against inflation


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