Stefan’s weekly: A Good Business Partner

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

I was thinking of a few traits that would be most wanted in a good business partner and you are probably asking yourself why I would be dedicating this week’s weekly mail to such a topic.

Well, just wait and see…

I think you do want your business partner to share similar visions (1) and be passionate (2) about them. You also want your business partner to challenge you (3) and to be at least partially complimentary (4) to yourself, but most of all your business partner should be integer (5) reliable (6) and trustworthy (7).

I am sure there are many more important traits but to me those seven traits represent a pretty good sample of what I am looking for in a business partner.

Now, I was asking myself if President Trump is a good business partner to other global political leaders, American politicians, his GOP colleagues, his supporters, CEOs of international companies, CEOs of American companies, etc. Therefore, I had to first think about the traits that make up a good business partner. So much for the explanation and now let’s see where President Trump meets the (my) criteria and where not. However, I want to add an important remark, this simple analysis heavily depends on each and everyone’s own perspective and therefore in this very case only represents my humble point of view.

I think President Trump may share similar visions (1) to some extent with some global political leaders, American politicians, GOP colleagues, supporters, CEOs of international companies, CEOs of American companies, etc but not with others. He seems very passionate (2) about his visions. He also seems to challenge (3) people wanting to do business with him and/or the United States and I am certain he is complimentary (4) to many of his peers and all the others.

When it comes to integrity (5), reliability (6) and trustworthiness (7) I am not sure (at least from what I extract from the media) if President Trump makes such a good business partner. I do get the impression that you can never be sure of what comes next with him and that contracts and agreements, even if in place for decades, may be amended or cancelled in no time.

What does this mean for international relations and international trade? Europe for example was and still is very much engaged with the U.S. ever since WW2 and today I get the impression, European political leaders seem somewhat lost.

Why is this important? For us it is important in respect to investing. Investing in a period of uncertainty is riskier than investing in stable times, volatility goes up and especially private investors sometimes get nervous.

What is your take on this?

Please share your thoughts and ideas with me. Please feel encouraged to do so but please don’t forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:

Many thanks, indeed!

If you are interested in reading some news coverage on our “In Gold we Trust” research report, please click on the following link:

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a great day and weekend!


Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth