The New Gold Playbook | In Gold We Trust report 2024

On May 17, 2024, this year’s – now 18th – In Gold We Trust report was presented at an international press conference broadcast live on the Internet. The authors of the report are Ronald-Peter Stöferle and Mark J. Valek, fund managers from Liechtenstein-based asset manager Incrementum AG.

The In Gold We Trust report 2024 covers the following topics, among others: 

  • Status quo of gold: price development in the last 12 months, most important influencing factors and trends on the gold market, including:
    • Status quo of the inflation trend.
    • Status quo of debt dynamics.
  • “The New Gold Playbook”
    • Old correlations – and thus certainties – such as the negative correlation between the gold price and US real yields are history.
    • The age of the Great Moderation, i.e. falling inflation rates, is finally over. Inflation is proving to be stubborn, especially in the US.
    • The price of gold is increasingly determined by Asian emerging markets, with more than 70% of physical demand now coming from emerging markets.
    • Central bank demand is increasingly dominating the demand for gold.
    • The old 60/40 portfolio has had its day: We present the new 60/40 portfolio.
  • Silver has shed its weakness and has reached an 11-year high.
  • Mining stocks – fundamental and technical analyses.
  • Updated gold price forecast.


The In Gold We Trust report 2024 also includes a debate with star analysts Brent Johnson and Louis-Vincent Gave, titled From Wedlock to Deadlock: The East-West Divorce. They discuss the international monetary system and the reserve currency status of the US dollar.


Here you find the Video:


Here you can download the report.

In Gold We Trust report 2024

In Gold We Trust report 2024 Compact


For additional information on the In Gold We Trust report, please click here.