Year-End Competition 2023 – and the winner is

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen


“The intelligent altruists, though less altruistic than the unintelligent altruists,
will be fitter than unintelligent altruists and selfish individuals.”

Herbert Simon, Nobel Prize winner in economics


Who won?

Finally, and once again, the sleepless nights are over; it is time to declare our year-end competition winner.

Like every year, the data stems from Finanz und Wirtschaft (

S&P 500            

According to the above source, the S&P 500 closed the year at 4’768.67. Almost every year, my readers are far too negative for equity markets; I wonder why this is the case because, statistically, there is no better way to invest than in equities. The lowest bid for the 2023 year-end competition for the S&P 500 came in at 3’175. The closest call in the S&P 500 came from my partner Ronni Stöferle, who had 4’634 points, which was also the highest bid; well done, Ronni and many thanks for participating!


According to the above source, Gold closed the year at USD 2’062.75; in clearly positive territory. A few of my readers were hoovering around USD 2’300.00 and the highest bid came in at USD 2’600.00; however, most were far too optimistic. Michael’s estimate came in at USD 2’071 and, therefore, was the closest. Well done, Michael and many thanks for participating!


According to the above source, Silver closed the year at USD 23.785. However, the participants were too bullish on Silver as well, with estimates flying as high as USD 38.00. The closest call in Silver came from Attila with USD 24. Well done, Attila and many thanks for participating!

The Winner   

Dario is the Incrementum 2023 year-end competition winner; thus, the one-ounce Silver coin goes to Dario, a long-term reader of Stefan’s weekly, who regularly participates in the year-end competition. Congrats, dear Dario, well done!


However, Dario won because the first-place participant came from within Incrementum AG. Partners and employees from Incrementum AG can only participate out of competition. Ladies and Gentlemen, the closest overall bets came from my partner Ronni Stöferle; Dario finished second, my partner Mark Valek third, and I, Ladies and Gentlemen, finished fourth. There will most probably be another competition in 2024. And of course, Ronni, I will get you a Silver coin too. Well done, Ladies and Gentlemen, congrats to all participants!

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day, the weekend, and a fabulous 2024!

Yours truly,

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth
CEO & Head of Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

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9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein