Are We Fit Enough?

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

It is the duty of the human mind to understand that there are things it cannot understand.

Soren Kierkegaard

Ideology – general aspects

Liberal, democratic structures based on capitalism no longer seem to be desired by a considerable number of voters. Ideological views are advocated with a vehemence that leaves almost no room for other views. Black or white, no shades of grey or even colours seem acceptable. Yet, we humans are so incredibly individual by nature and definition that it never ceases to amaze me how we willingly allow ourselves to be pressed into a mould. I am aware that the psychological element of belonging consciously or unconsciously exerts a great influence on our behaviour, and yet this ideological groupthink frustrates me; in this way, I believe individual narcissism has taken on an unhealthy dimension and tolerant and broadly diversified community-building appears to become ever more difficult.

What is in it?

I sort of see what is in it for ideological leaders and why they want to push their ideology. For them, it is a question of fame, money, and power. However, what on earth is in it for the followers? Belonging to the “good” guys (because their opponents are always the bad guys), or maybe it is the feeling of grasping the “real” idea? It amazes me that even reasonably well-educated contemporaries seem to develop difficulties abstracting and, therefore, simply do not have the mental capacity to avoid being taken in by ideologies. Quite frankly, ideological leaders are not trying to convince you, me, us because they like you, me, us; they do not even know you, me, us. They just want you, me, us because every follower gives them more fame, more money, and more power.

Ideology in asset management

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, these thoughts of mine were, of course, just an introduction to the topic. I am primarily concerned with the influence of ideologies on your and our asset management efforts. The same structure as mentioned above applies to asset management. If the tendency to be ideologically blinded and the will to have seen it coming at some point is weighted higher than the need for regular and reasonably evenly distributed returns from a diversified approach, then in my opinion, the awareness to abstract and thus the capacity to pursue a sensible investment approach is lacking. This is where our responsibility as educated individuals in asset management comes in. We need to exercise critical thinking and not be swayed by the allure of ideologies. It is also true in asset management that ideological leaders primarily seek fame, money, power and probably even much more money just because more is more.

Are we fit enough?

Hmhhh, Ladies and Gentlemen, if ideologies become more important to us than the big picture, then we should not be surprised if the happiness of the moment takes precedence over the happiness of our personal „long-term balance sheet“. This, Ladies and Gentlemen, at least to me, would mean we are probably not fit enough to prosper in life in general or as in this working hypothesis in asset management.

Ladies and Gentlemen
As always, please share your opinion with me, but please do not forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day and the weekend!

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth
CEO & Head of Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

Tel.: +423 237 26 60
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Im alten Riet 102
9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein