Gold Equities finally turning a corner? Incrementum Advisory Board Q2 – feat. special guest Mark Burridge (Baker Steel)

Dear investors, friends and clients,

Are gold equities finally turning a corner? 

On our advisory board call this quarter we had special guest Mark Burridge, Managing Partner at Baker Steel Capital Managers. Mark has a background in mining geology, and has been in the metals and mining industry for 25 years. As we are very excited about the recently established cooperation between Baker Steel and Incrementum, we thought it might be worthwhile to pick Mark’s brains. 

During the call we talked about:

  • What positive changes are gold mining companies finally making?
  • How is ESG and technology changing the mining industry?
  • Are we finally close to a recession?
  • One economic measure is at a 12-year low – why could that suddenly matter a lot?
  • What ticking timebomb could set off the markets?

We hope that you will find our discussion insightful and inspiring!
Have a great start into the new week!   

Mark J. Valek & Ronald-Peter Stoeferle
Incrementum AG

Im alten Riet 102
FL-9494 Schaan 

Incrementum Advisory Board Discussion Q2 2019


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