
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

In his book „The Enigma of Room 622“, Joel Dicker writes, „success is the pleasure of working together“. This very well describes a part of my way of thinking. It gives me great pleasure to achieve prosperity for our investors‘ thanks to the personal exchange and cooperation with different people and by trying to stay as calm as possible in sometimes crazy times.

Normal Volatility

For more than one year, ever since the covid outbreak in Q1 2020, «calamity predicters» call for a crash. Still, no crash to be seen but plenty of opportunity costs for those not invested. Volatility in traditional asset classes is within a standard range. This, of course, does not mean there will not be a slump or crash in the market eventually, but it mainly means that it probably makes sense not to keep all eggs in one basket and invest for one scenario, only.


Why would I mention this? Because to me, it is exemplary on how I try to approach research, podcasts, youtube videos, newspapers, etc. When reading research or listening to people’s podcasts, youtube videos, and the like, the most crucial question is «why». Why does the analyst, journalist, podcast or video producer communicate what she/he is communicating? What may be the motivation? If you can get a vague idea of the «why», you have a higher chance of gauging the conclusion and setting it in relation to your own views and ideas.

My Motivation

Ok, «so, Stefan, what is your motivation»? You may think. To be as transparent as possible, I am happy to elaborate on my motivation to write a weekly mail to my subscribers for free. It is simple, over a year, I receive a fair amount of feedback, and in many cases, the feedback helps me calibrate my own views and beliefs. In other words, true, I produce free content, but also true, I receive free feedback. So on one side, I see it as a win-win for my readers and myself, and on the other side, it gives me genuine pleasure to write just about every topic I want, when I want.

Joel Dicker

To me, „success is the pleasure of working together“! So I think Joel Dicker is right! Furthermore, I am privileged to share my thoughts with people worldwide and receive feedback from people from all over the world with sometimes very different perspectives.

Your view counts!

How do you approach research, podcasts, youtube videos, newspapers, etc?
As always, please share your opinion with me, but please do not forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:

Many thanks, indeed!

I wish you an excellent start to the day, a wonderful weekend, and above all, good health!

Yours truly,

Stefan M. Kremeth

Wealth Management
Incrementum AG – we love managing assets

Tel.: +423 237 26 60
Cell: +41 79 303 48 39
Im alten Riet 102
9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein