Yield or how to receive cashflows in a negative yield environment

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

I received a few mails on my very provocative statement that house pets, farming and children produce an enormous amount of greenhouse gases. I was provocative on purpose. It was my intention to trigger some reactions.

I received two mails on the indirect financing of (nuclear) weapons via government bonds. It seemed most of my readers were never really looking at it that way. Fact is that you will never know what a government is doing with the money you pass on to them when subscribing to one of their bonds. They may buy weapons or build a children’s hospital with it – it is entirely up to them.

I generally receive several mails per month from readers asking me how they should invest their money to achieve the best possible results. As always, I can’t tell you and I am not allowed to give any advice to you just like that, but I am happy to elaborate quickly on what I think seems a decent strategy to still get some yield in a negative yield environment. You know, Ladies and Gentlemen, my goal always is to receive cashflow with limited volatility.

Some of my readers already know about my investment style. My investment style is real asset based and enjoys a rather large equity portion. However, the equity portion is limited to equities of companies producing positive net free cashflows and I like rebalancing the position in my clients’ portfolios from time to time.

This means I define a “normal” weighting, i.e. around 5% for any equity position in a portfolio and harvest the dividends or capital reductions the underlying company shares with its investors. If the price of an equities-position appreciates over time and thus the weighting within the client’s portfolio goes up, I will start cutting back the position down to its initial 5% weighting. If, however, the price of an investment goes down and I can’t find any dramatic change in the strategic and/or earnings perspective and the company still produces positive net free cashflows, I harvest the cashflows and increase the position until it reaches its intended weighting of 5%.

The result of this strategy is astonishing. Volatility decreases massively and performance increases.

When markets are moving up, we only capture a part of the positive performance, because we like to keep a large cash position at hand. But when markets are going down, we usually only lose a fraction of what the market loses. It is during the down moves that we generate alpha. You can have a look at the monthly development of one of our portfolios on our website.


It still needs the “right” equities and this is probably the most difficult part. Please let me know about your investment style and please share your investment experiences with me and my readers, but please don’t forget (instead of hitting the reply button) to send your messages to:


Many thanks, indeed!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a great day and weekend.

Kind regards,

Stefan M. Kremeth
Wealth Management
Incrementum AG